Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Spoiler alert! -- for whatever that is worth.

Stayed up late to watch the movie 2012 online. The special effects did give me a sense of dooms day (the huge tsunami, the falling of ground into the abyss, etc.) , but at times it was a bit too dramatic (but, hey, it's Hollywood). I have to say there are also some touching moments in the movie, especially when the father-and-son teamed up to fix the jammed door. The overly eager young son reminded me of mine. The general plot of the movie was somewhat disappointing because I was thinking space travel was the only way out, but in the end it's just a modern rendition of the Great Flood of the Bible, which, as W was quick to point out, has been promised in the Bible to never happen again! Then again, what can we expect from Hollywood?

At least two things hit home for me: one is that Noah's day was a mighty terrifying one; and two, the end will come (though probably not in 2012).

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