Saturday, January 05, 2013

Rubic's cube solution


Step 1: Cross

Step 2: Bottom layer corners

Step 3: Middle layer edges

Step 4: Edge Orientation
F (R U R' U') F'
f (R U R' U') f'
or U2 F (U R U' R') F'
Step 5: Corner orientation
R U R' U R U2 R'

Case A: 
if TWO corners are yellow: rotate top layer until a yellow sticker is on the bottom left,facing front.
Case B:
if ZERO corners are yellow: rotate top layer until a yellow sticker is on the bottom left, facing left.
Step 6: Corner permutation
R' F R' B2 R F' R' B2 R2
 Step 7: Edge permutation
(R U') (R U) (R U) (R U') R' U' R2