Monday, March 06, 2006

Golf lesson 1

Golf is a game of the 'opposite': if you're right-handed, you use your left to guide the swing; if you want the ball go up, then hit down on it; if you want the ball to go left, then hit towards the right;
* Grip:
  • the pad of your palm should be on top of the handle;
  • the V should point to the right shoulder;
  • should see only two knuckles of your left hand when you look down (that's a neutral grip and ball will go straight; a weak grip is seeing 1 knuckle and tends to slice the ball; a strong grip is seeing 3 and tends to hook);
  • your right hand's fingers should touch the grip between first and second lines;
  • your right index finger should point straight down when extended;
  • grip force should be about 4 on a scale of 1-10 (swing the club with a relatively loose grip will max the natural momentum from the weight of the club, e.g. try holding the club with only two fingers and swing it)
* Stance:
  • your left heel should be about 2 inches (the length of the foot of the club) from the line of the ball;
  • the distance between the head of the club and your lap should be the 'rule of ten' (i.e. for a 7 iron, 3 fingers away, 9 iron, 1 finger away, and so on);
  • chin up so at least the arm can fit under it;
  • put the club perpendiculat to the line of target (that's a square position)
* Swing:
  • remember your body is in a tube;
  • turn your shoulders, but don't drop your shoulder, which will over tilt the hip;
  • swing from inside to outside (crossing the target line), don't 'chicken-wing' it (many golfers have this problem);
  • to illustrate the turn, hold the club with your arms horizontally behind your back, then try the swing action and see the turn;
  • when the club hits the ball, it flattens the area of the ball at the contact point; and the ball travels on the club surface for a brief moment; the more you flatten the ball the further your shot will be
* Follow-through:
  • feel the right toe going into the shot;
* Tips: when someone yells "fore" it's a warning of the ball flying in--duck and don't look.