Thursday, April 28, 2005

Green Island Serenade


孙松堂 (2002-09-18)


  最近媒体报道,《绿岛小夜曲》作曲人高钰铛辞世,高雄县长杨秋兴在高辞世前前往探视时,曾允诺协助高钰铛要帮忙寻找《绿岛小夜曲》的作 词人王博文,要让这首歌得到正名。言下之意,流传已久的《绿岛小夜曲》是由高钰铛作曲、王博文填词。未料,媒体隔日连着两天以大篇幅报道《绿岛小夜曲》的 作曲人是周蓝萍、作词人是潘英杰,推翻了高钰铛与王博文是《绿岛小夜曲》的原创人。报道中还访问了今年83岁,目前在荣总养病的潘英杰,及资深音乐工作 者,由他们细说这一段尘封已久的往事,让事实还原,否则《绿岛小夜曲》还要永远争议下去,歌迷也永远难分真假。


  事实上,《绿岛小夜曲》的确是周蓝萍与潘英杰共同创作出来的;那是1954年一个仲夏夜的晚上,同在中广音乐组共事,并住在中广仁爱路 单身宿舍的周、潘二人,闲聊时谈到创作流行歌曲的话题,喜爱文学的潘英杰建议以“抒情优美取胜”的小夜曲来创作一首流行歌,得到周蓝萍的和声。

  第二天潘英杰就把抵台数年的观感融于歌词中,交给周蓝萍,正处热恋的周蓝萍看了相当满意,有深获我意之感,在爱情甜如蜜的企盼下,立 刻谱成《绿岛小夜曲》。这是一首以“绿意盎然”的台湾景观为背景,描写恋爱中男女的患得患失、起伏不定的心情,并交由紫薇在中广录音室灌录。


  《绿岛小夜曲》原本要用在一部电影中,但是没有成功,想不到菲律宾的万国唱片看上这首歌,把它灌成唱片后引介到菲律宾,立刻在当地十分 风行起来,甚至还流传到马来亚(当时马来西亚还没有成立)、印尼一带。马来亚的报纸还绘影绘形地描述,说这首歌原来是一名争风吃醋的杀人犯在狱中写给女友 的一封情书,情意感人。在那个资讯不发达的年代,这首充满“凄美”故事的流行歌曲,博得了许多人的同情,而且广为流传,大家都以为这个故事是真的。

  1958年,台湾的凤鸣唱片发现这首悦耳动听的歌曲,居然是台湾创作的,于是取得紫薇当年在中广的录音在台湾发行,歌迷才初次接触到 这首歌曲。1961年,四海唱片重新灌录此曲,仍由紫薇演唱,配合广播的播送,很快就在大街小巷流行起来。大人小孩都会唱,各学校社团也纷纷采用此曲当做 演唱的曲目。


  《绿岛小夜曲》流行的范围并不限台湾,东南亚华人居住的地方同样争着传唱;紫薇在1966年当红时,曾到东南亚各地演唱,所到之处,华 人热烈点唱《绿岛小夜曲》,而且跟着哼唱,场面相当热络;甚至当年海外台独异议人士也热烈传唱这首曲子,俨然成了“国歌”。不仅如此,连沿海一带的中国 人,也知道这首曲子。1990年,中国大陆演唱家吴霜(剧作家吴祖光之女)到台湾开演唱会,即公开演唱此曲,她并表示,很早就听到这首歌曲而且经常演唱。


  《绿岛小夜曲》在台湾走红后,给作曲及作词人带来不小的困扰。周蓝萍、潘英杰经常被有关单位叫去查问。主要是当时台海情势紧张,任何风 吹草动都会被有心人士拿来大作文章,弄不好当事人就身陷囹圄,这是听歌者无法想像的事。所幸二人福人福相,并没有发现有什么密谋,可说是有惊无险。

  根据当年任职中国广播公司的作家王大空,在一篇《想念紫薇》的文章中透露:《绿岛小夜曲》是中广的招牌歌,每次演唱会都有歌星演唱此 曲;作词的潘英杰、作曲的周蓝萍和首唱的紫薇都是他可敬的中广同事。这首歌刚出炉的时候,曾被安检单位认为不妥,原因是歌词里一开头这么几句:“这绿岛像 一只船,在月夜里摇呀摇。”当时的危机意识,炽热又强烈,他们认为,歌中的“船”,指的就是“台湾”,“在月夜里摇呀摇”,不是暗示就快翻覆了吗?






Words a mouthful

Ready? Say these three times quickly:

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The valley of the shadow of death.

Spring Summer

Fall. Just realized why the season of leaves turning color is call 'Fall.' Not because the leaves are falling off the trees, but the Fall of human. In Genesis Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. After that, 'the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.; Then in verse 3:8, 'in the cool of the day' they 'heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden.' See, the season they sinned, or fell, is when the weather turned cool (not the hot wind from summer nights). Hence, the name.

Come to think of it, they spent their first winter outside of the Garden of Eden. No wonder God had to make 'coats of skins' to 'clothed them.' (v. 21)

p.s. who says we can't wear animal skin? But I must say I'm against hunting down animals even to their extinction for their skin. That is not a responsible way to manage the world, which is God's mandate for men.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Envy vs. Jealousy

一个是你有我也要! 一个是有你无我,不共戴天。

Jealousy consists of conflict of interest. Consequently, it implies that in any situation where opponents compete for the same spot that cannot be shared (e.g. election of an official, selection of spouse), any party which is displaced of the ownership of the spot is by defination open to the feeling of jealousy. This fits the Biblical notion that God is a jealouse God.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Law and order

Second law of thermodynamics: Intense or concentrated energy tends to spread out and diffuse. (misconception: objects tend to be more disordered)

Merphy's law:
if anything can go wrong, it will (misconception: all misfortune comes at the same time)

Lazy poeple's pipe-dream

Here are some of the perfect examples:

1. Perpetual Motion Machines (a bit ancient)
2. Money generation machine (not for printing money, but can trade stocks automagically for pure gain)
3. Born rich and noble ('born with a silver spoon in one's mouth. i.e. never have to work a single day for the entire life--keyword is 'have to')

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Robert T. Kiyosaki

He's the one who teaches about Rich Dad and Poor Dads. I am watching his seminar on PBS now. In essence, here are the main points:

1. Balance sheet


A | L

- Income vs. Expenses
- Assets vs. Liability

The goal is increase the Asset.

2. Assets have three types:
a) Business
b) Paper assets
c) Real Estate

3. Four types (quadrants) of peoples judging by how they manage money:

E | B
S | I

a) Employees
b) Business
c) Self-employed
d) Investor

The goal is to move from left to the right half. Example, Bill Gates, Dell are Business people; Robert himself is Investor (invest land without having any money???).

In general, I'm skeptical that there is a formular to richness. Basically it's the old song.

Saturday, April 16, 2005



  二、出自姬姓,为周太后的后裔。相传周武王去世后,周成王继位 ,封王季的儿子于刘邑,其后裔以邑为氏,世代相传姓刘,这就是河南刘氏。
  三、出自他姓,为他族、他姓改嫁或赐姓刘。据史书记载:1、汉高祖刘邦实行和亲政策,以皇室宗女嫁于单于为妻。依照匈奴的习俗,贵者皆从母 姓,单于的子孙于是皆从刘姓。于是便生成这支刘姓。2、据史籍记载,齐人娄敬在洛阳向刘邦献入关中建都之策,得到刘邦的重用,刘邦称帝后,赐姓刘氏,其后 保持此姓;刘邦为了感谢项伯在鸿门宴上对他的救命之恩,赐他刘姓。3、北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳后将鲜卑族的复姓独孤氏改为汉字刘姓,成为当时大姓之一。其他入 迁中原的少数民族也有改作刘姓的。
  2、沛 郡:西汉置郡,治所在相县。相当于今安徽、河南等地。
  刘氏最早发源于河北唐县,而始姓刘氏却在今天的陕西省境内。公元前300多年前开始向河南及江苏传播。战国时晋大夫会有子留居秦国,称刘氏, 其十世孙在魏国任职,魏灭后迁至大梁,生子刘清辗转到今江苏等地。后来刘氏建立东、西汉两朝,统治天下,于是其 孙分布于天水、中山、南阳、彭城、东平等十四处之多。汉末三国之际,中原的刘氏为避“董卓之乱”不断向四方迁徙,主要是向东南投奔孙吴和向西南进入四川投 奔蜀汉。魏晋南北朝时期刘氏大举南迁,在江南影响很大。唐代和宋代,刘姓已遍布大江南北,盛于全中国,直至今日。

Friday, April 15, 2005


今年的三四月,中国高校的BBS网站被教育部大规模地“整顿”。 北大、清华、南大、科大等名校的网站都受到不同程度的影响。 主要改变有二:实名制和不对外。 由于高校网站影响巨大(几十万的注册ID,上万人同时上网),此事自然掀起轩然大波。 连美国《基督教观察报》在四月初也在显著位置作了报道。到今天,更是又起高潮(见回文“水木414事件”)。不仅如此,最近因日本可能成为联合国常务(“入常”),现在国人正是抗日情绪高涨。日本外相要访华,有十七个城市组织示威游行。这两件事加在一起,恐怕会让当局神经紧张了吧。真是多事之时啊。

Monday, April 11, 2005

Prince Charles has a new wife. After seeing the photos, I can't say I like her (Diana coined her 'Rottweiler') or the whole thing of Charles' second marriage--just don't feel right; and I found myself wanting to see the old wedding pictures of Diana. (The now famous 'whatever-love-means' line from Charles makes this whole thing even more tasteless, even repulsive. Yuk!) What a shame for the British people to have to deal with such a disgraceful royal story. No wonder the Brits want to skip Charles for their King and go directly to Prince Williams, or even end it all by switching to republic.

Perhaps I am somewhat misguided by the media, which is obviously unfriendly to Charles and Camila at all. Perhaps they are both decent people and don't derserve all these. Perhaps Diana also has her faults and cannot really be blameless, which, quite sadly, is probably true. Perhaps when it gets up close the whole thing is nothing but a can of worms.

Can goodness and beauty survive in this rotten world? ... Maybe not!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Pope John Paul II

An era ended with John Paul II's death on Sat 4/2 (11:37 PST). He's been in the position for over 27 years (from 10/16/1978) and was highly repected by the world. He survived an assasination attemp in 1981 and later went to visit and pray with the person, who wanted him killed. His funeral is set to be on Friday 4/8.

Also set on that day was, ironically, Prince Charles' wedding. Now he has to move his big event one day later to Saturday (better do it after than before).

Just to help remember Saturday, I gave i his second shave. :-)