Monday, June 19, 2006

Maud Powell

[121 People]

The 19th centry American violinist is not a well-known figure nowadays, but she was in her time. Born in Peru, Illinois on August 22, 1867, she became the first great master of violin in America, premering works of Tchaikovsky and Dvojak to the U.S. audience. She began her music education in Aurora, Ill (a town 40 miles west of Chicago) and later went to Chicago, Leipzig, Berlin, Paris, and London for further study. She played with almost all the top orchestra in Europe and the U.S. She was married to her manager and died at the age of 52 of heart attack.

Her first name pronounced 'MAWD', and is a short form of 'Matilda' (has german origin for 'strength in battle.'

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