Tuesday, November 22, 2005


[121 Thoughts]

I'm not talking about the fashion industry, but the building of a scientific (usually mathmatical) prototype to explain a given phanominum. It seems that my mind is built or trained to always try to find out the governing law behind a natural or socioeconomic hehavior. In gradschool I was in a lab that strives to discover the constitutional relation of materials. We put the material under all kinds of conditions and try to summarize its behavior in mathmatical equation(s). Likewise, using selected known behaviors (say in a stock market) I try to imagine a picture to explain those behaviors, and check if all known behaviors fit the picture. Ultimately this model will then predict unknown behaviors. Modeling is one of the most natrual habits of my mind. The hardest ones would be modeling of abstract things, such as musical cords, when I don't see a way to picture it. But of course it's also a bad example to use the stock market, which has been scrutinized ever since its inception and still no one has a good model, and probably never will. Modeling is fun, and I have to say there must be many many like minds out there.

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